StarScoop Interviews Renee About Fitful Movie
Photo Credit: Traci Grant
The Star Scoop:
How did you become involved in Fitful?
Renee O'Connor:
A casting director approached me. She was casting for Rich [Brauer, the
writer/director]. She sent me the script and said, quote, "I hope you get this"
[laughs]. I thought it was great, the reason being is that it has a very
peculiar tone to it. It's a dark comedy/thriller. I was intrigued by the comedy
aspect and when I realized the writer was going to be the director, I thought it
would be a good fit for me. It's such a specific tone that I thought that the
writer needed to direct this to get the tone to come across on screen. I really
didn't do much research on Rich; I didn't know much about him at all.
That's not my usual style. I usually try to find out what someone's done and how
much experience they have and if they are a first time director. And if so, then
I usually call and try to get an idea of what they're going for. With Rich, I
didn't at all. I just completely went by an instinct based on the script. The
script, again, was so quirky and interesting. After I finished the script, it
probably took me an hour to try to figure out what the whole thing was about.
Then I called back and said I'd love to do it. It was just a matter of Rich
looking at my reel and figuring out if I was a good match for him. And that's
how that worked out.
Read more about the independent film, check out the Behind The Scenes on Fitful
News submitted by kamera