March 2013 Archives

28 March 2013

2014 Xena Convention Guests Announced

This is a tad early but welcome news. Creation Entertainment has tweeted that Renee, Steven, Michael and Jennifer will be attending the 2014 Xena Con in Burbank.


Fri., Sat. & Sun.
Februaury 7-9, 2014

Burbank Marriott Convention Center
2500 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, California

First Guest Celebrities:

STEVEN L. SEARS (Producer/Writer)

RENEE O'CONNOR Gabrielle (Appearing on stage Sunday, doing a special workshop Saturday)

MICHAEL HURST Iolaus/The Widow Twanky




28 March 2013

AUSXIP Charity Auction Has Ended - Tentative Total $13,383 Raised


The 2013 AUSXIP Charity Auction has ended for another year. Usually the auction brings with it a few surprises - always good but this year, it brought about a few nasty ones as well.

First let's start with the good news: This year's AUSXIP Charity Auction has raised $13,383.06 NZ$ for Starship. That is even when the site was difficult to reach (see below for the bad news about that) but people were still trying!

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25 March 2013

AUSXIP Charity Auction - 2.5 Days to go!

It's getting down to the final 2.5 days of the AUSXIP Charity Auction. There so many goodies - some as low as $5. 100% of the money raised at the end of the auction will go the Starship Foundation.

Here's the complete list of items!



20 March 2013

AUSXIP Charity Auction Begins TODAY! Latest Update on Items & FAQ!

Here's the new additions to the AUSXIP Charity Auction Items as of auction day 21 March 2013

The auction date & Time is set to US Eastern Daylight Time). It will start at 12:30 AM on 21/3 (3:30 Sydney time). Click here to view the time in your area

If you have no registered and would like to, please go to here - ALL registrations are checked before approval. You need to enter your full name, your address, email and telephone. You need to verify your email address (sometimes you will need to check your spam folder because they might go there).

Each item links to the individual auction page. This will go live on 21/3 until 27 March. All monies raised go to Starship - 100% of the money. Shipping is free (unless otherwise stated on the auction item page).

Please read the FAQ for more info (Updated)

204 ITEMS - FULL LIST (as of 21 March 2013)



18 March 2013

Complete List of AUSXIP Charity Auction Items (as of 18 March)

Here is the list of auction items coming up on 21 March at the AUSXIP Charity Auction. There are a few items not on this list that will be added, just waiting on them.

If you have no registered and would like to, please go to here

Each item links to the individual auction page. This will go live on 21/3 until 27 March. All monies raised go to Starship - 100% of the money. Shipping is free (unless otherwise stated on the auction item page).

Please read the FAQ for more info

168 ITEMS - FULL LIST (as of 18 March 2013)



10 March 2013

New Xena Art by Calli

Here's a gorgeous new artwork by Calli


Check out more of Calli's artwork on Calli's Creations



8 March 2013

Where Are They Now Renee Profile on Starpulse

Image634984156471125911Starpulse posted a "Where Are They Now" profile of Renee along with some nice photos.


Gabsfan noted that they listed Miles William Muir as her first husband. Someone must have done their research really well that day! LOL! For those who are not aware and for Starpulse, Miles is Renee's son.



1 March 2013

Legendary Warriors Renee Convention Cancelled

Image634977664318342556The Legendary Warriors Convention In Paris has been cancelled. Renee was scheduled for this convention. Today the organisers cancelled the con.

From the site:

It is with a big disappointment that we announce the cancelation of the Legendary Warriors convention.

Despite all our efforts to make that convention a success, the sale of the pass has never taken off. It seems that there is not a big audience for these shows in France, and the media aren’t interested in that as well. And as you know it, to make a convention a success, a real work on communication is necessary.

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