20 March 2013

AUSXIP Charity Auction Begins TODAY! Latest Update on Items & FAQ!

Here's the new additions to the AUSXIP Charity Auction Items as of auction day 21 March 2013

The auction date & Time is set to US Eastern Daylight Time). It will start at 12:30 AM on 21/3 (3:30 Sydney time). Click here to view the time in your area

If you have no registered and would like to, please go to here - ALL registrations are checked before approval. You need to enter your full name, your address, email and telephone. You need to verify your email address (sometimes you will need to check your spam folder because they might go there).

Each item links to the individual auction page. This will go live on 21/3 until 27 March. All monies raised go to Starship - 100% of the money. Shipping is free (unless otherwise stated on the auction item page).

Please read the FAQ for more info (Updated)

204 ITEMS - FULL LIST (as of 21 March 2013)