8 January 2013

Renee Artwork "Friend In Need Dragon" To Raise Funds For Documentary

Image634932760428099711Renee has a new painting up for auction on eBay called "Friend in Need Dragon."  She is using the auction to help fund a documentary she is shooting about Mary Rocamora, her Awareness Training teacher and mentor.  She will also be starting a campaign on the crowd-funding site, Indiegogo, to fund the film.  There is a message from Renee posted in her eBay auction posting with this same information.  The auction ends on January 13 at 5:17PM Pacific Standard Time. 


Click here for the ebay auction (at the moment the winning bid is $1,500)


Message from Renee

Hello, it has been such a long time since I have been painting. This one is inspired by the last episode of Xena. I am contributing the proceeds from this painting to a documentary I am filming about my teacher and mentor, Mary Rocamora. It will be a resource for the filming in addition to a campaign on Indiegogo coming shortly. 

With Thanks,


Main page for Indiegogo (Renee's campaign is not on the site yet):