24 January 2012

It's Time To Party! 2012 Xena Convention


Hey folks, it's coming close to the convention and all the AUSXIP editing staff will be at the con - first time this has happened which is interesting. From Wednesday the site will be in skeleton staff mode. Updates will still occur but a bit later than normal.

I will be live blogging from the convention and you can follow directly on the AUSXIP Convention Page, on twitter or facebook.

This is going to be my last convention (whether Creation does another is up in the air judging by the poll they have on their site) It's going to be emotional and I'm packing the tissues. Let's all go out and have a great time, laugh and cry and then laugh some more. We are a family - sometimes a dysfunctional family but a family. The Xenaverse truly rocks and it's the best fandom I've ever been in or will be in.

Let's go party people!!
