12 March 2011

100 Women of Destiny Update - Renee's Session Time

Here is some more info on Renee's appearance at the 100 Women Of Destiny, celebrating International Women's Day. As reported yesterday, Renee will be a guest speaker. There was some confusion about the correct time for Renee's session. Gabsfan has written to the program director.

Kari Henley, the program director, has confirmed that the correct time of Renee's session is, as Renee posted on her website, Noon Eastern Time on March 17.  The event website has been corrected.

When you register, you receive the phone number and pin number to call in to join the tele-session.  After Renee speaks, callers can participate in a small group discussion during the hour about what they have learned from Renee.  If there is time, there will be a Q&A with Renee at the end.  When you register, you will also receive a link to listen online.  If listening online you will not be able to speak during the session but can text questions.

Read Renee's on her website:

Read the details and register for the tele-series here

Discuss it on ROC Chat:

--  AUSXIP Reporter: Gabsfan