23 July 2009

Renee Painting on Ebay...

Renee's portait ROC in Rio was recently auctioned on ebay (and a portion of that money was to go to charity). Unfortunately some nasty person (I could use another word but I'll be nice and just leave it at nasty) put in a fraudulent bid.

Renee posted the following on her official forum:

The painting by Lauren that we released on eBay last week, ROC in Rio, had a fraudulent buyer. Anyway, at some point in the future we will put it up for sale. I just wanted you all to know it is an original and one of a kind.

Hopefully the painting will be put back up for auction without someone making a fool of themselves. Ebay is notorious for having fraudulent bids which is very unfortunate because it's such a great service. I guess there will always be someone who will want to be a total boofhead and ruin it for others.