28 July 2010

Renee Filming New Movie - Moby Dick

According to this article on - The Asylum Hunts Moby Dick - Renee has just begun filming a high-tech version of Moby Dick for The Asylum (makers of movies like Jolly Roger - Massacre At Cutter's Cove, Transmorphers, 2012: Supernova, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, Cheerleader Camp, etc. etc. etc

Barry Bostwick (The Rocky Horror Picture Show, "Spin City") and Renee O'Connor (Xena's sidekick "Gabrielle") have just begun filming The Asylum's take of Moby Dick, set to be released to DVD on November 23rd.

A modern adaptation of the classic novel of the captain of a high tech submarine and his obsessive quest to destroy the enormous prehistoric whale that maimed him.

Whether this Moby Dick will attempt to follow in the campy footsteps (Should that be finsteps?) of previous over-the-top aquatic Asylum schlockers Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus and Mega Piranha or attempt to be a more straightforward modernization with shades of science fiction remains to be seen.

Reported by Michael (AUSXIP TX ROC Chat)

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