October 2014 Archives

28 October 2014

Xenite Con III: Renee and Lucy Q&A (Full Appearance) 26 October 2014

Here's the video of Renee and Lucy's full Q&A including Lucy singing in Spanish and also the Xena classic "Burial" (I LOVE that song). The video was submitted by G. Sanchez to AUSXIP.




27 October 2014

Photos and Video of Renee at Xenite Con III

Today was the final day at the Xenite III Convention in Paris. Here’s some gorgeous photos and video taken by Cirocco



Renee at Xenite Con III Finale 26 October 2014
Posted on: 27th October 2014

Renee at Xenite Con III Finale 26 October 2014

This is the final stage of day 2 at the Xenite Con III convention with Renee, Lucy Lawless, Adrienne Wilkinson,  Alex Tydings and Hudson Leick singing “We Can Work It Out” with the audience










25 October 2014

Renee Photos from Xenite III Con

AUSXIP Reporter Cirocco was at the Paris Xenite III Con and she sent in some gorgeous photos of Renee on stage with Alex Tydings.




22 October 2014

In The Tub with Renee

In the Tub is a spectacular book that was released earlier this year and it was created by TJ Scott. TJ is a superb photographer and all his photographs are very striking. Renee also took part in the photoshoot. Check out the pics on TJ’s flickr account.

You can buy the book from AND more significantly, the money raised goes to Breast Cancer Research. Now that’s a great deal.






21 October 2014

Xenite Con III Schedule Released

The Xenite Con III Convention Schedule has been posted for those attending!

Xivents presents Xenite Con’ III, which will take place on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of October 2014 in Paris, France.

Come to the 3rd edition, convention only dedicated to the show Xena: Warrior Princess with your favorite actors!
During these two wonderful days, there will be: autograph and photo op sessions, question/answer sessions, analytic conferences, contests, party, VIP dinner with the guests…


04:30 pm: Pass withdrawal.
08:00 pm: Closing.



08:00 am: Opening.
09:00 am: Introduction on stage.
09:10 am: Questions & Answers with Hudson Leick and Adrienne Wilkinson.
10:00 am: Photo ops with Alexandra Tydings. / Photo ops with Adrienne Wilkinson.
10:05 am: Rehearsal “We Can Work It Out”.
10:15 am: Mime Time. (Prizes to win!)
10:20 am: Meet&Greet with Lucy Lawless.
10:40 am: Commentaries of the episode “2×05 – Return of Callisto”. (Video)
11:00 am: Duo photo ops with Lucy/Reneé. / But who said that? (Game)
11:20 am: Meet&Greet with Alexandra Tydings.
11:30 am: Photo ops with Lucy Lawless. / Photo ops with Reneé O’Connor.
11:35 am: “Miss & Mister Amphipolis” Cosplay Contest. (Prizes to win!)
12:00 pm: Meet&Greet with Adrienne Wilkinson.
12:10 pm: Bloopers. (Video)
12:30 pm: Lunch break.
01:30 pm: Opening.
01:40 pm: Questions & Answers with Reneé O’Connor and Alexandra Tydings.
02:20 pm: Auctions.
02:30 pm: Questions & Answers with Lucy Lawless.
03:10 pm: Lottery. (For each ticket bought, 1€ will be given to Le Refuge!)
03:20 pm: Photo ops with Hudson Leick. / Duo photo ops with Alexandra/Adrienne.
03:30 pm: Presentation of the association Le Refuge.
03:40 pm: Meet&Greet with Reneé O’Connor.
04:00 pm: Quizz. (Prizes to win!)
04:20 pm: Duo photo ops with Reneé/Alexandra, Lucy/Alexandra, Lucy/Adrienne and Lucy/Hudson.
04:30 pm: Commentaries of the episode “2×15 – A Day in the Life”. (Video)
04:50 pm: Group photo ops. / Rehearsal of “We Can Work It Out”.
05:00 pm: One Episode… One picture. (Game)
05:20 pm: Autograph session with Lucy Lawless, Reneé O’Connor, Alexandra Tydings and Adrienne Wilkinson. / Meet&Greet with Hudson Leick.
05:30 pm: Xena in Music Video.
06:00 pm: Autograph session with Hudson Leick.
06:30 pm: Karaoke battle “The Bitter Suite”. (Prizes to win!)
07:00 pm: Dance class with Hudson Leick. / Rehearsal “We Can Work It Out”.
07:30 pm: Closing of the doors.
08:50 pm: Opening.
09:00 pm: Cocktail Party.
11:30 pm: End of the Party.



06:50 am: Opening for the Yoga attendees.
07:00 am: Yoga class with Hudson Leick.
08:00 am: Opening.
08:30 am: Introduction on stage.
08:40 am: Questions & Answers with Alexandra Tydings and Adrienne Wilkinson.
09:30 am: Photo ops with Alexandra Tydings. / Photo ops with Adrienne Wilkinson.
09:35 am: Rehearsal “We Can Work It Out”.
09:45 am: The Hangman… Xena Version! (Game)
09:50 am: Meet&Greet with Lucy Lawless.
10:00 am: Broadcasting of “Hercules & Xena: The Battle for Mount Olympus – 1st Part”.
10:30 am: Duo photo ops with Lucy/Reneé.
10:40 am: “Miss & Mister Amphipolis” Cosplay Contest (Prizes to win!)
10:50 am: Meet&Greet with Alexandra Tydings.
11:00 am: Photo ops with Lucy Lawless. / Photo ops with Reneé O’Connor.
11:30 am: Meet&Greet with Adrienne Wilkinson. / Bloopers. (Video)
12:00 pm: Lunch Break.
01:00 pm: Opening.
01:10 pm: Questions & Answers with Hudson Leick.
01:50 pm: Auctions.
02:00 pm: Questions & Answers with Lucy Lawless and Reneé O’Connor.
02:40 pm: Lottery. (For each ticket bought, 1€ will be given to Le Refuge!)
02:50 pm: Photo ops with Hudson Leick. / Duo photo ops with Alexandra/Adrienne.
03:00 pm: Presentation of the association Le Refuge.
03:10 pm: Meet&Greet with Reneé O’Connor.
03:30 pm: Quizz. (Prizes to win!)
03:50 pm: Duo photo ops with Reneé/Alexandra, Lucy/Alexandra, Lucy/Adrienne and Lucy/Hudson.
04:00 pm: Broadcasting of “Hercules & Xena: The Battle for Mount Olympus – 2nd Part”.
04:20 pm: Group photo ops.
04:40 pm: Rehearsal “We Can Work It Out”.
04:50 pm: Autograph session with Lucy Lawless, Reneé O’Connor, Alexandra Tydings and Adrienne Wilkinson. / Meet&Greet with Hudson Leick.
05:00 pm: Karaoke battle “Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire “. (Prizes to win!)
05:30 pm: Autograph session with Hudson Leick. / Xena in Music Video.
06:30 pm: Rehearsal “We Can Work It Out”.
07:00 pm: Closing Ceremony.
07:30 pm: End of convention.



9 October 2014

Xenite Con III Article Tele 7 Journal 6 October 2014

Image635484755004618234This is translated from French (and it may not be 100% accurate in the translation from French to English) – if you are a French speaker and can see the errors please contact MaryD to correct the translation:

Née aux États-Unis, la mode des conventions arrive en France. Quand les stars du petit écran viennent à la rencontre de leurs fans... Les 25 et 26 octobre, si vous croisez dans Paris des jeunes filles court vêtues, brandissant un glaive, ne vous inquiétez pas. Il s’agit tout simplement de la troisième édition de la Xenite Con’, une convention dédiée à la série Xena. Cette année encore, de nombreux fans français devraient être au rendez-vous pour rencontrer la star de la série, Lucy Lawless, et quatre autres actrices : Renée O’Connor, Hudson Leick, Alexandra Tydings et Adrienne Wilkinson. Au programme, conférences, séances photos, autographes avec les actrices…

130 000 fans chaque été à San Diego

Ce genre de salon est né aux États-Unis, notamment grâce à la science-fiction. Lors des conventions Star Trek, par exemple, la règle veut que les fans arborent les costumes de la série. Le Comic-Con, à San Diego, est d’ailleurs considéré comme la convention à ne pas rater, où quelque 130 000 fans se réunissent tous les étés. Acteurs de films et de séries, auteurs de comic books sont présents durant quatre jours pour cette grand-messe de la pop culture (photo). En France, les conventions commencent à se multiplier. Après Xena, Game of Thrones sera à l’honneur avec WinterFall, qui se tiendra à Paris les 13 et 14 décembre prochains, en présence de Jack Gleeson, l’inénarrable Joffrey Baratheon, et Iain Glen, l’interprète de Jorah Mormont. Il faudra cependant casser sa tirelire avant de passer deux jours avec les héros de ses séries préférées. Les forfaits s’achètent entre 60 et 500 euros ! Les autographes, photoshoots et rencontres privilégiées sont en supplément, les tarifs évoluant en fonction de la notoriété de la star choisie. Pour 30 minutes partagées avec une dizaine de fans en compagnie de Lucy Lawless, il faudra débourser pas moins de 150 € de plus. Mais, quand on aime, on ne compte pas ! Émilie Semiramoth


This is translated from French (and it may not be 100% accurate in the translation from French to English) – if you are a French speaker and can see the errors please contact MaryD to correct the translation

Born in the United States, the mode of the conventions arrives in France. When the stars of the small screen come to meet their fans... On 25 and 26 October, if you cross in Paris of girls short clad, wielding a sword, don't worry. It is simply the third edition of the Xenite Con', a convention dedicated to the Xena series. Again this year, many french fans should be the venue to meet the star of the series, Lucy Lawless, and four other actresses: Renee O'Connor, Hudson Leick, Alexandra Tydings and Adrienne Wilkinson. In the program, conferences, photo, autograph with actresses 130,000 fans each summer at San Diego Ce kind of salon was born in the United States, including through science fiction. At Star Trek conventions, for example, the rule is that fans wear the costumes for the series. The Comic-Con, San Diego, is also considered as the convention not to be missed, where some 130,000 fans gather every summer. Actors of movies and series, authors of comic books are present for four days for this mass of pop culture (photo). In France, the conventions begin to multiply. After Xena, Game of Thrones will be honored with WinterFall, being held in Paris on 13 and 14 December, in the presence of Jack Gleeson, the hilarious Joffrey Baratheon, and Iain Glen, the interpreter of Jani Mormont. It should, however, breaking its bank before spending two days with the hero of his favorite series. Plans to buy between 60 and 500 euros! The autographs, photoshoots and preferred meetings are in addition, tariffs evolving based on the notoriety of the chosen star. For 30 minutes shared with a dozen fans in the company of Lucy Lawless, it will cost no less than €150 more. But, when one loves, one does not count! Émilie Semiramoth an entrance fee that can go up to 500 euros



6 October 2014

2015 Xena Calendar - Last One To Be Produced by Creation Entertainment


The following is from Creation Entertainment's email list about the last Creation produced Xena Calendar

2015 XENA CALENDAR "FINAL EDITION" Celebrating the amazing 20th Anniversary of the series that changed the face of television forever, and proved the viability of strong female leads, it is a pleasure to offer the final official XENA calendar that takes a fond look back at favorite memories of the show’s incredible run and the stars that made it happen!

It truly has been an honor to be part of Xena fandom and we know this calendar captures the love we all have for Lucy, Renee and the rest of the cast and production crew!

PRE-ORDER your copy so you get it hot off the presses, tentatively in mid November. In years past the calendars have sold out early and this time around we are limited to only ONE 2015 calendar.

Click on through to check it out and place your order: XENA Calendar.

Sharon has tweeted some of the photos she is considering putting in the Calendar.