Comprehensive Renee O'Connor News & Multimedia Fan Site
Updating Renee O'Connor fans with the latest news & multimedia since 1996

Created and Maintained by MaryD  (C) 15 December 1996 - 10 Years Online

This site is dedicated to the career of the gorgeous and talented Renee O'Connor, star of Xena: Warrior Princess as Gabrielle, she is also a director, an artist and a mother.  Soon to be seen in the movies Ghost Town, Boogeyman 2 and Diamonds & Guns

On this site you will find convention photos, screencaptures, a comprehensive archive of Renee interviews and articles from various magazines, newspapers, tv show transcripts and radio interviews, video clips, wallpapers and artwork.


30 June 2007

Ghost Town The Movie Review by MaryD


27 June 2007

Ghost Town The Movie Book

The book also contains some pics from the movie and one of them is of Renee.

'In Deadwood, you may lose your life. In Ghost Town, it may be your soul. ...' A novel based on the movie 'Dean Teaster's Ghost Town, the Movie' (screenplay by DJ Perry, story by DJ Perry and Dean Teaster). Appalachian folklore and legend tell the story of a man in 1856, who came out of the mountain wilderness of Cold Springs, North Carolina to avenge his father s death. In his wake he left a Ghost Town. Today, twenty years later he returns to avenge his daughter s honor and even the undertaker better watch out! This novel is based on that story and the movie it inspired, Dean Teaster s Ghost Town, the Movie which was filmed at the Western theme park, Ghost Town in the Sky (Maggie Valley, NC) in November, 2006. There is also a beautiful full color section on the making of the movie.



Renee to guest star on Army Wives!

TV Guide has an article on the upcoming guest appearance by Barbara Eden on Army Wives. It also includes a quote from Katherine about the possible appearance by Renee for the show during Season 2!

"Fugate also has plans for an old friend from the days she was a writer on Xena: Warrior Princess. “I want to write a two-parter for Renee O'Connor (Xena’s bosom buddy Gabrielle) for the second season,” Fugate says. “We’ve stayed friends; she gave me my baby shower.” - Source TV Guide

This is a amazing show and if you haven't caught it yet - you are missing out. Click here to get all the scoop on Army Wives - AUSXIP Army Wives

Judi's Wallpapers


2007 NY Xena Convention



Added photos by Elizabeth of:

Lucy/Renee Canal Room Concert Photos for sale!

Posting this for CindyT

Heya all:

Just wanted to let you know that I am making some of my photos of Lucy (and some with Renee) available as 8x10's on eBay.

The purpose is two-fold:

1. I need to raise funds to get to FL to be with my best friend, Susie, while she is undergoing radiation treatment for brain cancer.

2. I'm donating 10% of the profit to Lucy's Starship Foundation.  (She helped me take these shots, so it's only fair to give something back  <G>)

You can check out what I've listed so far:

I will be adding more soon...




11 June 2007

Diamonds and Guns / IMDb Update

It seems that ol' Xenaverse magic hasn't gone away. Before the start of the "vote for Diamonds" campaign the Moviemeter was down to 7% (which is rather anemic). It is now up to 478% <vbg> Keep it going folks. What is the Moviemeter? Well IMDb says:

MOVIEmeter and STARmeter offer popularity rankings for the 940,000 movies and 1.6 million cast and crew members listed in our database.

So keep on clicking! Many thanks to Caroline for alerting me to it.


New Renee Message

Renee has posted a new message on her site about her trip to NYC and all the fun she had. Check it out here - Many thanks to Lynne for the news


8 June 2007

2007 NY Convention


Added pictures by LB of the following guests:

Convention Reports


7 June 2007

Help Support Renee's Movie Diamonds and Guns....

I'm passing this along for Missy Good

Need some help here.  I think most folks know Renee has done a film called Diamonds and Guns - she showed a bit of it at the convention the other day.   As a bit of research, could everyone who would like to see this released please go to - search on Renee's name, and then click on "
Diamonds and Guns"  -  it would be very helpful. Feel free to pass this to all corners of the fandom.

AfterEllen's Hot 100 List

Ghost Town Movie Update

The Alissa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation Needs Your Help!

AARBF is revamping its website and electronic communication in order to better reach and service volunteers, donors and survivors. In order to do this, AARBF is launching the " AARBF Online" Website Project! We'll present a brand new web image and make communicating with AARBF a lot easier. WIth this program we hope to be able to:

   1. Help burn survivors who need us find our services
   2. Provide resources to medical professionals
   3. Make our prevention materials available online for use by fire departments and other burn foundations
   4. Build awareness in the general public about burn prevention and fire safety
   5. Help create a culture of understanding for those with physical differences
   6. Create a resource for the media about AARBF, burns and fire safety
   7. Provide a one-stop-shop for volunteers to learn about upcoming events and ways to help
   8. Help build and nourish our burn foundation community!

To do this will take resources that AARBF does not have readily available for new projects. We can only afford to launch this project if 200 folks sign up to contribute. Can you chip in $25 today to help AARBF reach its supporters and beneficiaries better?


If you would like to contribute in Renee's name you can go to their site and they have a section there that has Gift Information:  I'd like to make this donation - put in Renee O'Connor!


6 June 2007

Renee Concert Pictures - 1 June 2007

Renee Concert Pictures - 31 May 2007

Xena Convention news


Xena Movie News


Upcoming Renee Movie - UK TV Alert
Many thanks to Jock for the news

Danielle Steel's Changes
On: five
Date: Friday 15th June 2007
Time: 15:30 to 17:30

Romantic drama about a successful New York TV journalist who falls in love with a wealthy widower from LA. Although struck by love at first sight, the news anchor and eminent heart surgeon living with his three children discover that there are many obstacles to overcome before love can blossom.  Made For TV, 1991, 3 Star)



3 June 2007

I'm sure glad tomorrow in Oz is a Monday and a work day...I'll be able to have a bit of a rest <vbg>

Renee Pictures from 1 June Concert

Renee Pictures from 2 June Concert

Lucy News

Calling All Xena Fans!

I've been asked to pass this on to any Xena fan who wishes to participate in a study being conducted by Star

The purpose of my study is to analyze the media content and representations of gays/lesbians on the television program Xena: Warrior Princess (Tapert, 1995) and to explore its use of gay/lesbian subtext as an example of a non-normalized queered televised curriculum. The use of the word “subtext” in this study will refer to the verbal and non-verbal cues the characters of the show relayed to its audience members.

My main research questions are: (1) How did the use of gay/lesbian subtext in the television program Xena: Warrior Princess (Tapert, 1995) aide Xena fans in viewing a non-normalized depiction of the gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgendered/queer/intersexed (GLBTQI) community? [In other words, was the use of subtext able to subvert the stereotyping of lesbians?] (2) How was this community of discourse received? And, in what ways? [How did Xena fans react to the subtext?] (3) How did the public political pedagogy influence the social construction of the show? In what ways was a community of discourse recognized? [What was going on politically at that time they may have influenced the “need” for the subtext? How were the voices of Xena fans recognized?] (4) Furthermore, where is there evidence of a formation of solidarity and personal empowerment amongst Xena fans as a result of it having been aired? [How were the lives of Xena fans affected by the show, and in particular, the death of the heroine?]

In the process of addressing these questions, I will be looking at the net narratives of Xena fans on the Internet pertaining to the gay/lesbian subtext of the show, and supplementing these net narratives with stories generated from Xena artifacts, personal interviews, and focus group discussions with Xena fans. In attempting to define the methodology of my qualitative study of the pedagogical implications of the gay/lesbian subtext of Xena: Warrior Princess (Tapert, 1995) on Xena fans, the most fitting description of my role as a qualitative researcher would be that of a weaver of tapestries. The three conceptual tools I will use to analyze my data will be: narrative analysis, discourse analysis, and metaphor analysis.

I am looking for Xena fans to share their stories with me. What impact did Xena make on you? Do you still mourn her death? Why? Why not?

Would you like to help? Email Star on


2 June 2007

Lucy Concert

Added pictures of Renee from 1 June Concert

Renee is #2 on the Lesbianation Poll



1 June 2007

Renee Pictures

Anita sent me over a picture that was just the sweetest thing.

The look on Renee's face when she's gazing up at Lucy is just priceless. Click on the image to get the full size version.


Added pics of Renee at Lucy's Concert by: