What are themes? Pretty pictures and color schemes around the actual content.


What are themes good for? They add color and variety to the site. You get to look at what we have here surrounded by colors and images you like best.


Currently you have these options below.


The pretty default skin, made using the scans from gallery. Made by Mesh


A skin we used for the site in 2004, includes miscellaneous images of Ren�e. Made by Mesh


The AXIP look, with a lovely banner created by MaryD.


A montage of Gabrielle screen captures from Orphan of War. Made by Mesh


Design featuring a gorgeous banner made by Amanda, using images from One Weekend a Month images.


Design featuring a banner made by Mesh, using images from an agency photo and one of Michelle's Fire Burn Relay photos.


Design feat. photos from ROC Productionss eBay auctions. Textures from tre textures. Created by Mesh

How do these work? You click on the preview image either on top of the menu to your left, or on one of the previews below, and you're browser will be sent the cookie for that skin and it will remember what you picked for 30 days. They will work only if you accept/enable cookies in your browser, so if this doesn't work, please check your settings.


Skinning tutorial from domesticat.net Thank you very much.